Covid-19 shut my business down!

Wow, this was by far the craziest day I have experienced to date and I even knew it was coming. I saw it coming ten miles away and yet I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. I can’t explain the feeling I had, but I know there are many of you reading this who “get me” right now! My salon was shut down yesterday due to Covid-19, my entire source of income gone in a matter of minutes. Something I have worked so hard to build the last 15 years of my life in a poof, just like that, gone! I felt like someone died, I felt betrayed, I felt scared, I felt anxious, I felt like I had ZERO control and for a type A Capricorn, that was the worst! I immediately took a deep breath, said a quick prayer and acted fast! I texted clients and got a few in before my doors shut and loaded every reusable bag I could find with product to hopefully sell to stay afloat during this mess. No one could have predicted this virus, no one could have planned better for this, this was completely out of our control. But, I do know who has control and I trust the the good Lord is going to protect my family, provide for my family and comfort my stress and anxieties during this time. I hope that you can find peace, enjoy your family, make fun memories, and remember this too shall pass! Stay safe and stay home!


So I’m a Millennial!

